General Manager and Managers

General Manager - Andrew Roach

Andrew Roach

Andrew Roach has 30 years’ experience in Local Government across Australia, holding the position of CEO/General Manager at four Regional Councils. With a background in finance and governance, his leadership is based around creating empowered teams that deliver for their local communities.

Disclosure of Interest Return:



Deputy General Manager - Phil Reid

Phil Reid

Phil was appointed to the role of Deputy General Manager in February 2024, in light of the increased workload on the GM in the lead up to introduction of a new model of governance for Norfolk Island.

An environment and sustainability professional, he has over 18 years’ experience in consulting and operational roles. He has worked across mainland Australia (NSW, QLD, ACT, WA) as well as in Europe, in planning and approvals, biodiversity management, contaminated land management, community liaison, EMS and sustainability roles. Sectors have included infrastructure, mining and urban development.

Highly experienced in the delivery of infrastructure, conservation and spatial services projects, Phil's qualifications of a Bachelor of Environmental Science, majoring in environmental management, and Master of Environmental Law provided him with a foundation to work across diverse industries and communities.

Phil is passionate about supporting communities and projects to achieve sustainable development and strives to work with stakeholders to realise these objectives.

Disclosure of Interest Return:

Manager Planning and Environment - Tara Patel


Tara was appointed to the Manager Planning and Environment role in 2024, following three years as NIRC’s Team Leader Biodiversity, and a twenty-year career spanning environment, natural resource management, bush regeneration, invasive species management, threatened species recovery projects, sustainability and community capacity building.

As Team Leader Biodiversity, she was responsible for leading, developing and overseeing the implementation of plans, strategies, programs and operations for managing Norfolk Island Public Reserves, working with volunteers, Pests and Noxious Weed control programs and the Argentine Ant Eradication Program.

In Australia, Tara worked for environmental organisations in the landcare, biodiversity and sustainable agriculture spaces, and has worked closely with stakeholders at a strategic level to develop, implement and manage environmental plans and projects.

During these roles, and also during her nine years as a natural resource consultant, Tara worked closely with stakeholders across all levels of government (Councils, National Parks, Local Land Services, Office of Environment and Heritage), private landholders, Landcare groups and First Nation People.

Arriving on Norfolk island in 2016, she became involved in the community through her work at the Norfolk Island Central School and involvement with the P&C and as a member of the Cheryl Tennis Club. Tara has established an extensive garden at her home, including a vegetable garden and fruit tree orchard, and can often be seen walking her dog through Norfolk’s Reserves, quieter streets and roadshas extensive management experience in remote area eco/nature based resorts and public sector tourism operations within World Heritage and protected areas spanning 30 years. 

Disclosure of Interest Return:

Manager Infrastructure and Services - Vacant, tba


Manager Customer Care - Cheryl (Sarlu) LeCren



Born on Norfolk Island and making it her home for most of her life, Cheryl (Sarlu) LeCren knows she lives on the best place on earth.  Her role as Manager Customer Services means she can help make a difference to the people she shares the island with.

Sarlu brings a wealth of experience to her role, including 28 years working within the Norfolk Island public service sector and five years in New Zealand dealing with Maori land issues. She knows the workings of island administration through a wide-ranging working career that began in roles that included records, relief clerk, team leader water assurance scheme, EDP (IT), planning to land registry, GIS, rates officer, among others. 

From this broad-based perspective, she brings an understanding of Council services to her role of Manager Customer Care.  In addition, she holds several statutory appointments, including Registrar of Titles, Deputy Registrar of Motor Vehicles, Deputy Registrar of Liquor, Deputy Registrar of Associations, Deputy Registrar of Births, Deaths & Marriages, and Deputy Curator of Deceased Estates.

Over the years, Sarlu has been involved in many community and sporting associations on Norfolk Island, and in her spare time she enjoys travel to places like Australia, New Zealand, the Pacific, south-east Asia, USA and Europe.

Disclosure of Interest Return:

Acting Manager Corporate and Finance - Roger Neilsen



Contact Council

Telephone: +672 3 22001
Postal Address: PO Box 95, Norfolk Island 2899