The Public Library has relocated from its home of many years on New Cascade Road to the Bicentennial Complex on Taylors Road; access to the Library is via the Rawson Hall car park.
The Library offers a great range of fiction and non-fiction items and includes a children’s section with reading bean bags as well as a Norfolk Island reference section. The reference section contains copies of reports relating to Norfolk Island as well as historical information - it is regularly updated.

We know that you love reading! Books are purchased regularly to provide our members with the latest in new releases. You can view our catalogue online at link
Council are very fortunate to receive donations of books from visitors to the island as well as many residents. The Norfolk Island Quota Club generously contributes to the large print section.
Residents and non-residents are most welcome to borrow from the Library, membership fees do apply.
Annual Subscription Prices
Basic - Loan up to 5 items $28.00
Basic Plus - Loan up to 10 items $33.00
Family Loan - up to 15 items $50.00
Family Plus - Loan up to 20 items $61.00
Child - Loan up to 5 items $17.00
Visitor (30 days) - Loan up to 5 items $17.00
Membership applications are available at the Library during opening hours, Customer Care offices or, by downloading a copy from this page.
Hours of Operation
Monday - 10am to 1pm and 4pm to 6pm
Wednesday - 10am to 1pm
Friday - 1pm to 4pm
Saturday - 10am to 12pm
The Library is closed on Public Holidays.

Conditions of Borrowing
- Books are not to be taken to the beach or to left in a hot vehicle.
- Books are not be passed to another person and remain the sole responsibility of the borrower.
- Books must be returned to the Library before the borrowing period expires. This includes prior to departure from Norfolk Island, including temporary departures.
- Books may be returned during opening hours or can be placed into the chute to the left of the Library entrance. When returning books in wet weather, or if using the return chute, place books in a protective bag to prevent damage.
- New books have a 14-day borrowing period with no extension possible. Books in all other sections have a 28-day Borrowing Period (with allowable extensions).
- Council reserves the right to charge members for unreturned books and/or damaged books. The cost of the book will be calculated by the [purchase price + $5.00 freight].
Phone: + 6723 22430
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